
nothing I know from the web, maybe I can write one for the Raspberry if
I find some time for it... It may be some work to get this working!

But the short version:
Take a look at
which has a nice overview of the Raspberry expansion header.

You can use the squid cable from the rz600 to connect the dongle to this
Black  (Vcc)     -> Pin1 3,3V (yes, black is Vcc...)
White  (GND)     -> Pin25 GND
Grey   (SPI CLK) -> Pin23 SCLK
Purple (MISO)    -> Pin21 MISO
Blue   (MOSI)    -> Pin19 MOSI
Green  (CS)      -> Pin26 CE1 (or Pin24 if you want to use CE0)
Yellow (SleepTR) -> Pin22 GPIO 25
Orange (Intr)    -> Pin16 GPIO 23
Red    (Misc)    -> not connected
Brown  (Reset)   -> Pin18 GPIO 24

Please double check this with the documentation of the Raspberry and the
RZ600; I don't give any guarantee about it!

Next you need to modify the Raspberry Kernel. I used 3.6.y as the base
kernel. Add this to arch/arm/mach-bcm2708/bcm2708.c:

static struct at86rf230_platform_data rf230_pdata = {
        .rstn = 24,
        .slp_tr = 25,
        .dig2 = 22,
        .irq_type = IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING,

#define GPIO_IRQ(gpio) (GPIO_IRQ_START + (gpio))
#define RF230_IRQ_PIN    23

and replace the second entry of bcm2708_spi_devices[] with:

                .modalias       = "at86rf230",
                .chip_select    = 1,
                .max_speed_hz   = 3 * 1000 * 1000,
                .bus_num        = 0,
                .irq            = GPIO_IRQ(RF230_IRQ_PIN),
                .platform_data  = &rf230_pdata,

You will also need to include the linux/spi/at86rf230.h header file in
this file. Next you should replace the whole drivers/ieee802154
directory with the version from the current mainline kernel.

If you have enough luck, this could work ;)

Maybe there are newer versions of the Raspberry kernel available now,
where one could use the device tree to set things up. Let me know, if
you find some nicer solution.


> Hi Guys,
> is there in the cyberspace some HOWTO documents about connecting/wiring
> to - let's say - a Raspberry or Olinuxino board?
> THX,
> regards,
> András
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