Le Mardi 10 Juillet 2001 15:45, Philippe Muller a écrit :
> si tu lances un de tes players depuis un xterm, que vois tu comme 
messages d'erreur lorsque tu lances la lecture ?

Ca fait çà, si g bien compris ta question...
[EMAIL PROTECTED] michel]$ mpeg
mpeg3cat    mpeg3dump   mpeg3split  mpeg3toc
[EMAIL PROTECTED] michel]$ mpeg3cat
Concatenate elementary streams or demultiplex a program stream.
Usage: mpeg3cat -[av0123456789] <infile> [infile...] > <outfile>
Example: Concatenate 2 video files: mpeg3cat xena1.m2v xena2.m2v > 
         Extract audio stream 0: mpeg3cat -a0 xena.vob > war_cry.ac3
[EMAIL PROTECTED] michel]$  mpeg3dump
Need an MPEG stream.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] michel]$  mpeg3split
Split elementary streams into chunks of bytes.
Usage: mpeg3split -b bytes <infile>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] michel]$  mpeg3toc
Create a table of contents for a DVD.
        Usage: mpeg3toc [-t] <filename>...
        -t Perform timecode search.
        The filenames should be absolute paths unless you plan
        to always run your movie player from the same directory
        as the filename.  Alternatively you can edit the toc by
        The timecode search allows XMovie to play the Matrix.
Example: mpeg3toc /cd2/video_ts/vts_01_*.vob > titanic.toc

Michel Aconin
Saint Laurent du Var 
"Très loin à l'Est, c'est l'Ouest"(proverbe chinois)

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