> Yes, there are some iso-images but they are quite old. ftp.redhat.de
> had newer iso-images (build in December 2001).
> Heinz

The updates to the rpm's have been quite frequent recently. Doing fresh
iso images with each update takes some time. If people download the
entire iso images each night there is no bandwidth left for people like
myself who just want the latest updates. And the iso images are only
useful for when you IPL from the HMC CD drive. For the real install
you will need the stuff from a file server anyway.

Any need to plug my ICKDSF bootstrap here?
It allows you to put the Linux kernel, parmfile and ramdisk on an MVS
pack and then IPL it in another LPAR. You can even edit the parmfile
from TSO to fill in all the network parameters so that normally you do
not need to get to the HMC other than have the pack IPLed.

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