IpodLinux is quite fun actually :P

Anyway, I guess It really depends on what you want to use the iPod for. If
you want to listen to music on your ipod, but want the "freedom" of using a
Open Source OS, then you would go with Rockbox. If you're looking for using
apps, you'd go with ipodlinux ;-)

And I think the most work would be re-writing the drivers, which, if you
have a good idea how the linux kernel works, and look at some of the rockbox
code for the 2G nano's drivers, it shouldn't be *extremely difficult.*
* *

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Finn Wilke <wilk...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 10:26 PM, Sam <shadow.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Has porting ipodLinux to the nano 2G died?
> Ipodlinux itself is somehow dead. It uses a pretty old kernel and
> isn't of much fun to use. If someone would like to have Linux on the
> iPod he/she would most propably create everything from scratch as
> quite all drivers have to be rewritten anyway.
> And then there is the question of the reason to have Linux on the
> iPod. It really isn't of much fun to enter letters with the
> clickwheel. And as there is rockbox, which is a far better firmware
> replacement then any linux firmware would most propably ever be we
> don't have an need for it. Linux on the iPod is just to show others
> "look, it works on the ipod, too". That would be too much work for
> this small use case of impressing friends.
> Finn
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