To Whom it May Concern:

It is my desire to see both Linux (and Rockbox) ported to the iPod Nano 4G
and 5G, however there does not appear to be an overwhelming interest among
developers to see this get accomplished anytime soon, even though there
appears to be a desire among the community. For this reason, I would like to
propose offering a uniquely structured bounty of donations to see such tasks

Attached you will find a document describing how I believe the bounty can be
structured. Also attached is a spreadsheet briefly describing the milestones
of the bounty and there respective payouts. These documents are a work in
progress. The bounty milestones and payout percentages are simply my best
guess and will need fine tuning.

I am looking to find support amongst developers and project leaders for such
a bounty as well as constructive criticism to make this successful.

I am prepared to offer sizeable donations (i.e. $1-2k USD for each bounty
initially) to get each of the bounties started (one bounty for the 4G and
one for the 5G) and it is my hope that other interested individuals in the
community will donate also.



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