> > I waffle between xfce4 and lxde with a slight preference for the
> > latter. I really need an xterm and "focus follows mouse"
> I use xterm and focus-follows-mouse under XFCE. LXDE is OK, but I like
> the XFCE panel quite a lot.

I start stock Ubuntu.  When I log in, I kill off gnome-shell and
nautilus-desktop, and start vtwm with bunches of urxvt (via urxvtd)
running tmux with bunches of windows.  Every urxvt has the access to the
same list of 40 tmux windows.  I have four vtwm virtual desktops stacked
vertically with five urxvt horizontally on each, across two 1600x1200
monitors, with a third monitor for Firefox.  I still have parts of my
.vtwmrc and .Xresources that I used for twm back in the 1980s.

> > (oh yeah, and no use at all for CAPS LOCK).
> You can xmodmap CAPS LOCK into oblivion...


| Ian! D. Allen, BA, MMath  -  idal...@idallen.ca - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
| Home: http://idallen.com/  Contact Improv Dance: http://contactimprov.ca/
| College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/
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