This may be specific to GPG created keys. It is mentioned on the 
website, as well as in several key signing party documents.

Wikipedia mentions the following:

In PGP, most keys are created in such a way so that what is called the "key ID" 
is equal to the lower 32 or 64 bits respectively of a key fingerprint. PGP uses 
key IDs to refer to public keys for a variety of purposes.

The Apache Foundation has a section on OpenPGP 

From The Fingerprint

If you have a fingerprint , then the key ID should be the last 8 digits.

For example, the ID of the key with fingerprint:

FF96 6261 C995 1DDE BF34  5150 D5D2 BDB5 E2B0 54B8

should be:


This can be confirmed by:

$ gpg --list-keys --fingerprint E2B054B8

pub   4096R/E2B054B8 2009-08-20
      Key fingerprint = FF96 6261 C995 1DDE BF34  5150 D5D2 BDB5 E2B0 54B8
uid                  Alice Example (EXAMPLE NEW KEY) <>
sub   4096R/4A6D5217 2009-08-20

I'm not sure what the definitive response would be. All keys that I have seen 
generated in the past 5 years seem to match.


On 2013-10-09, at 5:50 PM, Richard Guy Briggs <> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 09, 2013 at 04:54:06PM -0400, Murphy Scott wrote:
>> Technically, you only need the full fingerprint, as the keyid is the last 8 
>> hex digits of the fingerprint
> That doesn't work for my older key:
> 2115A82D
> 19 6A 8F C2 B5 D8 7A AA  28 E0 FE 26 6F F0 84 9E
>> Scott
>> On 2013-10-09, at 3:34 PM, Richard Guy Briggs <> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Oct 09, 2013 at 12:20:32PM -0700, Jean-Francois Messier wrote:
>>>> Usually, what are the infos in the email tag line about a PGP/GPG key ?
>>>> Is there a format ? I want to update my mail tag with just the right
>>>> info. I currently see this from the command line:
>>>> ===
>>>> pub 2048R/4EFF6649 2013-10-03
>>>> Key fingerprint = 9A07 242C 1AEE 2A0D A0F4 B737 23C6 9C3F 4EFF
>>>> 6649
>>>> uid Jean-Francois Messier (New PGP key)
>>>> <>
>>>> ===
>>> I'd strip it down to these two:
>>> PGP KEYID: 3382648E
>>> PGP Fingerprint: D9DB 27DF 0066 1098 2085  7E5A 0557 2D63 3382 648E
>>> The rest anyone can get from a key server and your uid is in your From:
>>> line.
>>>> Thanks :-)
>>>> JF
>>>     slainte mhath, RGB
>       slainte mhath, RGB
> --
> Richard Guy Briggs               --  ~\    -- ~\            
> <>
> <>                --  \___   o \@       @       Ride yer 
> bike!
> Ottawa, ON, CANADA                  --  Lo_>__M__\\/\%__\\/\%
> Vote! -- 
> <>_____GTVS6#790__(*)__(*)________(*)(*)_________________

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