On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, lisa stout wrote:

> 1) Does Linux support IPMI? If so how?


I don't know where the tools are. 

> 2) Why is their a preference for using Console Port Servers in Linux and
> Unix, while Windows tends to be KVM?  

Because windows systems can't be managed well any other way. We don't 
actually use Console Port servers for day-to-day, we have found they are 
unusable in clusters with many nodes. Real OSes are manageable over a 

>  3) I read an article on Linux where in the serial section they
> indicate: "Linux supports ordinary telephone modems only if they work
> through a serial port (although the port may be built into the modem).
> Is this true? if it is true and someone wants to modem in then it must
> be done serially?

no, stop reading the rag that wrote that, they are wrong.


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