I'm using a single Crucial 512MB CL3 DIMM.   CT64M64S4D75.16LT

Works fine.  I'm using an Eden processor @ 533 MHz.  I have thought about
adding another identical DIMM, but haven't done it yet.  On a side note,
if you order from Crucial you may want to do it via phone.  I ordered
online using their memory configurator and they sent me a DIMM that was
too tall to fit in my Morex case.  They replaced it, but it was a hassle.



On Wed, Aug 13, 2003 at 02:23:16PM -0700, David Hendricks wrote:
> I was wondering what kind of memory you all were using for your EPIAs and
> if anyone has been tweaking things like memory timings in their freebios
> tree.
> I've been using Corsair PC-133 cas latency 2 memory modules (Specs here:
> http://www.corsairmicro.com/main/products/specs/cm654s256.html ) without
> modification to any epia code in my tree. However, I keep getting stuck at
> the "jumping to boot code" message in elfboot with via-rhine and memtest
> payloads.
> I have lots of RAM at my disposal, but would like to know if there's a
> specific type that seems to work best.
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