On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 01:04:49PM +0530, Trevor Warren wrote:
>  Am trying to rope in the IIT - Bombay and ensure greater participation
> from their end.
>  IIT's all over the country are hubs of propagation of FSF/OS both
> conceptually/idealogically/practically, which is why they can be made
> use of to showcase FSF's/OS acceptance.
>  We indeed need IIT's support in this noble cause. 


Well, I can informally say that support from IIT should be no problem at all.

Prof. Phatak is away, and will be back only tomorrow. He's in Delhi now
( I hope he's not meeting Bill!! ;-) ) Then, we ( me, Sameer, ?? ) will talk
to him. And inform you guys.

In the mean while, let's keep discussing ( time, focus, etc. )



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