hex loaded on Rev D m168 BBB

Questions and Discussion concerning the Bare Bones Board

hex loaded on Rev D m168 BBB

Postby pstretz on Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:23 am

I am trying to put a new m168 in my Rev D BBB so that I can use the one already programmed in a project. I have 2 problems:
1) I can't seem to program a chip from the ISP header on the board with a usbtinyISP. If I put the new chip in my target board I can load a hex without a problem.
2) When I put the chip I programmed on the target board into the BBB I can't load sketches.

I have tried loading the ATmegaBOOT_168_diecimila.hex from the latest arduino-016 download and also the ATmegaBOOT_168_ng.hex downloaded from your site. Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: hex loaded on Rev D m168 BBB

Postby paul on Sat Jul 11, 2009 9:24 pm


Unfortunately I don't have a tinyISP so can't test it on the BBB. I use the board for burning bootloaders though, with a zif socket installed instead of the regular socket, so I know there's no issue with it. I use the AVRISP mkII, and AVR studio on a PC. This setup is fast and easy, but the AVR mkII is around $40.

Here are some things to check on.
Check the solder joints around the ISP header and also the chip socket, make sure the chip is firmly seated in the socket. Check the resistor on the resest line - the resistors are 10K,1K,10K. Check continuity with a meter, between ISP pins and Atmega pins. That's what I can think of right now.

As to question 2, if you are using tinyISP to upload sketches, then you've written over the bootloader, so no serial upload is going to work. Maybe this is not what you are trying to do? Burn a new bootloader onto the chip, then serial uploading will work again. Also make sure you have the correct chip setting in the Arduino IDE.

Write back if none of this seems to help,

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Re: hex loaded on Rev D m168 BBB

Postby pstretz on Sun Jul 12, 2009 9:51 am

Hey Paul,
Thanks for the reply. I will double check my solderwork and pinout the connector with a DVM. I'll check to see if there are any differences between the BBB lines to the m168 and my target board. It's entirely possible there is some subtle difference here that is hosing me up. :) The target board I'm using works for sure, because I used it to program this, ... in-C-code/.

I am trying to upload a boot loader to the chip through my ISP and then using a TTL for uploading sketches. My issue is when I use the chip that was pre-programmed in my BBB kit sketches upload through the TTL and execute fine. No problems at all. When I take a chip that I load a bootloader on through ISP, and put the chip in the BBB I can't upload sketches through the TTL. I get an "stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding" error. When I put the original chip in everything is happy again. For reference, I have 1 BBB and 2 m168 chips.

What Hex should I be loading with the ISP? Should I resort to compiling my own code from source? Are there any fuses I have to set? Is there anything you have to do with a new chip out of the box to set it up for Arduino?

My goal is to take the chip from this project, ... ased-MIDI/, and put it in an Altoids tin. There is just not enough room for the whole board and batteries in the tin so I was going to just use the m168 chip and a regulator hot glued the the lid then put the batteries in the base. I need to figure out how to set up a fresh chip with a bootloader and my sketch so that I can get it working.
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Re: hex loaded on Rev D m168 BBB

Postby paul on Sun Jul 12, 2009 9:59 pm

I am trying to upload a boot loader to the chip through my ISP and then using a TTL for uploading sketches. My issue is when I use the chip that was pre-programmed in my BBB kit sketches upload through the TTL and execute fine. No problems at all. When I take a chip that I load a bootloader on through ISP, and put the chip in the BBB I can't upload sketches through the TTL. I get an "stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding" error. When I put the original chip in everything is happy again. For reference, I have 1 BBB and 2 m168 chips.

It sounds like fuses could be the issue. If you're doing this in the Arduino IDE though - they should be set for you, and you just need to make sure you get the right chip/board selected in the Tools -> Board menu (that conforms most closely to your homebrew setup). If you're doing this through another piece of software then you need to confirm you have fuses set correctly. See the hacking page on the Arduino site.

I'd try and burn the bootloader through Arduino and see what happens, or is your serialISP programmer not supported?

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