Mark A. Greer wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 04, 2007 at 07:52:50AM +1100, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
>>>     #address-cells = <1>;
>>> +   #size-cells = <1>;
>>> +   model = "Katana-Qp"; /* Default */
>>> +   compatible = "emerson,Katana-Qp";
>>> +   coherency-off;
>>> +
>> What do that mean (coherency-off) ?
>> Somebody is trying again to use a 74xx with non cache coherent DMA ?
> Hi Ben.
> I suspect Andrei got that from the prpmc2800 dts which I made so I'll
> jump in.  (BTW, this is the same debate we have every year or two. :)
> By looking at the dts, that board has an mv64460 which has a couple
> issues when it comes to coherency (depending on the rev of the chip).
> One is about not being able to use DCBST instructions with coherency on
> and the other is about limiting the length of one of the traces (which
> at least one board manufacturer that I know of refuses to implement).
> The first one is supposed to be fixed by rev A1 of the part and the second
> is supposed to be fixed by rev B0 of the part.  I don't know what rev(s)
> are on the board(s) Andrei is using.  If its B0 or later, in theory, the
> part should work with coherency on.
> Andrei, have you tested with coherency on?
Yes, I tested it with "coherency on", but it didn't work.

I checked chip revisions on all boards I have and they all are >= 
mv64_4_60 B0.
Emerson team working on U-Boot for KatanaQP (David Jenkins copied in cc) 
notified that they have newer firmware version which makes "coherency 
on" functional.
At the moment I have no more details on it, but I'll investigate this 
issue soon and let you know all the details.
> --
> [snip errata]
> --
> So, the answer depends on what part & what rev of the part you have
> (e.g., the pegasos doesn't use the MPSC and apparently has the other
> issues worked around so it can turn on coherency but the prpmc2800
> doesn't so it needs coherency off).
> BTW, I haven't forgotten the inherent bug you described when coherency
> is off (/me too lazy to find link to the email) but AFAIK I've never run
> into it.  However, if I turn on coherency and stress the PCI bus, it
> hangs (I can't even look at memory thru a bdi).
> Mark
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