On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 12:07:34PM +0800, wei.guo.si...@gmail.com wrote:
> +     /* save and restore cr0 */
> +     mfocrf  r5,64
> +     EXIT_VMX_OPS
> +     mtocrf  64,r5
> +     b       .LcmpAB_lightweight

That's cr1, not cr0.  You can use mcrf instead, it is cheaper (esp. if
you have it in a non-volatile CR field before so you need only one, if any).

> +     vcmpequb.  v7,v9,v10
> +     bnl     cr6,.Ldiffoffset_vmx_diff_found

In other places you say  bf 24,...  Dunno which is more readable, but
please pick one?


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