Hi Vaidy,

The current topic is who owns setting up the ATT bits for that piece
of memory.  It is the kernel today.  Kernel decides to set this up as
normal memory or I/O memory and sets the bits in page table entry.

Or, what if there's a range of address-space that isn't backed by system
RAM (say, some MMIO-mapped hardware) that we want to expose to a future
HBRT implementation? This change will block that.

The kernel doesn't know what is and is not valid for a HBRT mapping, so
it has no reason to override what's specified in the device tree. We've
designed this so that the kernel provides the mechanism for mapping
pages, and not the policy of which pages can be mapped.

The features altered are cache inhibit and guarding which affects
ability to fetch instructions.  If we allow HBRT to reside in an I/O
memory, the we need to tell kernel that it is ok to allow caching and
instruction execution in that region and accordingly change the ATT

But this isn't only about the HBRT range itself (ie., the memory containing the HBRT binary). Everything that HBRT needs to map will come through this path. We may not need to fetch instructions from those ranges.

This patch does not block a working function, but actually makes
debugging a failed case easier.  The failing scenario without this
check is such that HBRT cannot fetch from the region of memory and
loops in minor page faults doing nothing.

Yep, that's not great, but the alternative means applying this kernel policy, which we can't guarantee is correct.

That is, unless the page protection bits mean that this won't work anyway, but we can probably fix that without a kernel policy, by applying the appropriate pgprot_t, perhaps.

As Vasant mentioned hostboot team will add code to relocate the HBRT
to the right place.  Addressing your concern, if we end up allowing
HBRT in non system-RAM area

Not just HBRT, but anything that HBRT maps too.

we need to add some more flags in device
tree to instruct the driver to force change the page protection bits
as page_prot = pgprot_cached(page_prot);

Doesn't phys_mem_access_prot() handle that for us? Or do I have my _noncached/_cached logic inverted?



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