On May 31, 2008, at 12:04 AM, Paul Mackerras wrote:

Kumar Gala writes:

For the additonal exception levels (critical, debug, machine check) on
40x/book-e we were using "static" allocations of the stack in the
associated head.S.

Move to a runtime allocation to make the code a bit easier to read as
we mimic how we handle IRQ stacks. Its also a bit easier to setup the
stack with a "dummy" thread_info in C code.

Looks fine, with just one very minor comment:

-       addi    r11,r11,THREAD_SIZE;                                         \
-1: subi r11,r11,INT_FRAME_SIZE; /* Allocate an exception frame */\
+1:     addi    r11,r11,THREAD_SIZE;                                         \
+       subi    r11,r11,INT_FRAME_SIZE; /* Allocate an exception frame     */\

You could make that a single addi r11,r11,THREAD_SIZE-INT_FRAME_SIZE

I remember noticing that and thinking I should go back in fix. Will look at doing that and add the patches to my powerpc-next tree.

- k
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