Why was the fifo struct separated from the psc struct for the 5200?

I see comments like this now:
        /* On the 5200, fifo regs are immediately adjacent to the psc regs */
        mps->fifo = ((void __iomem *)mps->psc) + sizeof(struct mpc52xx_psc);

Couldn't the fifo struct be a member at the end of the psc struct?

/* Structure of the hardware registers */
struct mpc52xx_psc {
        u8              mode;           /* PSC + 0x00 */
        u8              reserved0[3];
        u8              irmdr;          /* PSC + 0x50 */
        u8              reserved16[3];
        u8              irfdr;          /* PSC + 0x54 */
        u8              reserved17[3];
        struct mpc52xx_psc_fifo fifo; /* like this? */

Jon Smirl
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