+       bl      .+4
+p_base:        mflr    r10             /* r10 now points to runtime addr of 
p_base */

bl p_base  instead?

I went back and forth on that.  I ended up with it that way to
emphasize that the bl does need to branch to the *next* instruction
for the idiom to work.

Right, I see.  Make it even more obvious?  Use "bcl 20,31,$+4" instead
(so people will have to look it up before changing this code, not because
it is a few cycles faster ;-) ), add an empty line before the label, or
even put an actual comment there?  :-)

+10:    or.     r8,r0,r9        /* skip relocation if we don't have both */
        beq     3f

Either the code or the comment is wrong -- the code says "skip
if we don't have either".

Ah, operator precedence rules in English. :)

While I don't think that double (and triple) negations in English are
not overused and confusing...

I (and I think most
native English speakers) would parse my comment as "don't (have both)"
whereas I think you parsed it as "(don't have) both".  Similarly what
you say the code says parses as "don't (have either)" for me rather
than "(don't have) either".   IOW, "don't have either" means "both are

... that is exactly what I meant: the code skips relocation only if
both are missing.

Anyway I can change the comment to say "we need both to do
relocation".  OK?

Please do -- but also change the code to match :-)

+  .dynsym : { *(.dynsym) }
+  .dynstr : { *(.dynstr) }
+  .dynamic :
+  {
+    __dynamic_start = .;
+    *(.dynamic)
+  }
+  .hash : { *(.hash) }
+  .interp : { *(.interp) }
+  .rela.dyn : { *(.rela*) }

Do some of these sections need alignment?

I suppose they should ideally be 4-byte aligned.

Ideally, yes; I was questioning whether the ABI requires it.  It will
only cost a few bytes of object size so let's just do it?

We don't actually
use .dynsym, .dynstr, .hash or .interp, but I couldn't find any way to
make the linker omit them.

Assign those input sections to the /DISCARD/ output section (and do
that early enough in the linker script so they aren't picked up by
some other wildcard).  Something like

        /DISCARD/ : { *(.dynstr .dynsym .hash .interp) }


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