On Fri, 15 Aug 2008, Al Viro wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 07:31:06PM +0100, Hugh Dickins wrote:
> > I got this oops below, after several hours of swap-heavy kernel builds
> > in tmpfs, on 2.6.27-rc1-mm1 a couple of weeks ago.  Tried to reproduce
> > it without success, then got a very similar trace (not saved) from
> > 2.6.27-rc3 itself doing the same test yesterday: again oopsing in
> > proc_sys_compare on address -16, looks like it's trying for
> > PROC_I(dentry->d_inode)->sysctl but d_inode is NULL.
> > 
> > I looked to see what's been going on in fs/proc recently, and your
> > [PATCH] sanitize proc_sysctl 9043476f726802f4b00c96d0c4f418dde48d1304
> > does sound like it might be implicated.  I've only seen this on
> > PowerPC G5, similar tests on x86_32 and _64 haven't shown it:
> > maybe a memory barrier needed somewhere?
> Bloody interesting.  We never create negative hashed dentries in there and
> AFAICS we should never get d_delete() called on those...  Missing barrier
> would mean serious trouble in dcache.c and not just for /proc/sys...
> Are you sure about oops decoding?  At least disassembly of proc_sys_compare()
> in the kernel image in question would be nice to see...

Here it is: I'd changed config meanwhile, so this is from a rebuild,
but symbol addresses fit exactly with the trace (and the 2.6.27-rc1-mm1
fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c is identical to that in 2.6.27-rc3 or current git).
I did try "objdump -Sd" at first, but that just looked more confusing.

c000000000121e7c <.proc_sys_compare>:
c000000000121e7c:       7c 08 02 a6     mflr    r0
c000000000121e80:       fb e1 ff f0     std     r31,-16(r1)
c000000000121e84:       7c a9 2b 78     mr      r9,r5
c000000000121e88:       7c 9f 23 78     mr      r31,r4
c000000000121e8c:       f8 01 00 10     std     r0,16(r1)
c000000000121e90:       f8 21 ff 81     stdu    r1,-128(r1)
c000000000121e94:       60 00 00 00     nop
c000000000121e98:       80 a4 00 04     lwz     r5,4(r4)
c000000000121e9c:       80 09 00 04     lwz     r0,4(r9)
c000000000121ea0:       7f 80 28 00     cmpw    cr7,r0,r5
c000000000121ea4:       40 9e 00 3c     bne-    cr7,c000000000121ee0 
c000000000121ea8:       e8 89 00 08     ld      r4,8(r9)
c000000000121eac:       e8 7f 00 08     ld      r3,8(r31)
c000000000121eb0:       4b f0 aa 45     bl      c00000000002c8f4 <.memcmp>
c000000000121eb4:       60 00 00 00     nop
c000000000121eb8:       2f a3 00 00     cmpdi   cr7,r3,0
c000000000121ebc:       40 9e 00 24     bne-    cr7,c000000000121ee0 
c000000000121ec0:       e9 3f ff e0     ld      r9,-32(r31)
c000000000121ec4:       e8 69 ff f0     ld      r3,-16(r9)
c000000000121ec8:       4b f2 f8 4d     bl      c000000000051714 
c000000000121ecc:       60 00 00 00     nop
c000000000121ed0:       7c 63 00 34     cntlzw  r3,r3
c000000000121ed4:       54 63 d9 7e     rlwinm  r3,r3,27,5,31
c000000000121ed8:       78 63 00 20     clrldi  r3,r3,32
c000000000121edc:       48 00 00 08     b       c000000000121ee4 
c000000000121ee0:       38 60 00 01     li      r3,1
c000000000121ee4:       38 21 00 80     addi    r1,r1,128
c000000000121ee8:       e8 01 00 10     ld      r0,16(r1)
c000000000121eec:       eb e1 ff f0     ld      r31,-16(r1)
c000000000121ef0:       7c 08 03 a6     mtlr    r0
c000000000121ef4:       4e 80 00 20     blr
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