On Friday 29 August 2008 22:34:21 Steven Munroe wrote:
> > I am not complaining. I was only wondering if it is just me or there
> > really is very little that has been done (for either uClibc, glibc, or
> > whatever for powerpc) to improve performance of (linux-) applications on
> > "lower"-power platforms (G2 core), AFAICS there is a LOT that can be
> > gained by simple tweaks.
> This is a self help group (free as in freedom) We help each other. And
> you can help yourself. There is no free lunch.

I never expected to be served a free dish of any kind on a mailing-list ;-)
I was just asking around, to avoid reinventing wheels, since I intend to dig 
into this problem, that's all. My intention never was to pick up work from 
others and then run.

> > The problem is: I have very little experience with powerpc assembly and
> > only very limited time to dedicate to this and I am looking for others
> > who have
> Well this will be a good learning experience for you. We will try to
> answer questions.

Excellent. I love learning new stuff ;-)

Thanks a lot for the guidance so far...


David Jander
Linuxppc-dev mailing list

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