-       cmpwi   0,r3,0          /* parent or child? */
-       bne     1f              /* return if parent */
+       bns+    1f              /* did system call indicate error? */
+       neg     r3,r3           /* if so, make return code negative */
+1:     cmpwi   0,r3,0          /* parent or child? */
+       bne     2f              /* return if parent */
        li      r0,0            /* make top-level stack frame */
        stwu    r0,-16(r1)
        mtlr    r30             /* fn addr in lr */
@@ -857,7 +859,7 @@ _GLOBAL(kernel_thread)
        li      r0,__NR_exit    /* exit if function returns */
        li      r3,0
-1:     lwz     r30,8(r1)
+2:     lwz     r30,8(r1)

You don't need to renumber the labels, FWIW.  Some people might
find it more readable this way of course (but then, you could
use actual label _names_ -- what a novel idea! ;-) )


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