Hi Pawel,


Sorry for the delay, I just missed this message.


You should really be building arch/powerpc not arch/ppc as no one is
going to support that.  I realize that's a pain, but arch/ppc has been
dead for about 6 months now.


http://xilinx.wikidot.com <http://xilinx.wikidot.com/>  has a lot more
information about building the kernel from our GIT tree.


You can also post to http://forums.xilinx.com
<http://forums.xilinx.com/>  in the Embedded Linux forum for more Xilinx
specific help.


I don't understand you're problem either, but I would try building 1st
with arch=powerpc and using the ramdisk image that we have on our wiki
to get a good baseline.  You'll need to generate a device tree for your
hardware platform but that's not too hard and is explained on the wiki







From: linuxppc-dev-bounces+john.linn=xilinx....@ozlabs.org
[mailto:linuxppc-dev-bounces+john.linn=xilinx....@ozlabs.org] On Behalf
Of Pawel P. Kusmierski
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 6:02 PM
To: linuxppc-dev@ozlabs.org
Subject: Linux on Memec Virtex4 FX12 Minimodule



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