Hi Eric,

So it never ever booted properly ?

Hmm, it certainly looks like your distributor (or whoever you got the 
from) lend it out and got a messed up board back. Or maybe they messed it up

Go complain and send it back.

indeed, rev 2.x is better (much less TSEC bugs).

N. van Bolhuis.

Eric Cottrell wrote:

Thanks for the help.  I will look into that.  It is confusing as the latest 
ltib appears not to have the aliases.  This is my first venture into Embedded 
Linux as our existing PowerPC products use PSOS.  Most of my Linux experience 
is on the Intel PC platform.

Yes, the 1.3.3 version was what was shipped with the board.  The rootfs and 
kernel appear to be older.  So I suspect someone upgraded the uBoot and ran 
into trouble.

I am comparing this with the Rev B board we also got.  I hope to return the Rev 
A4 and make the boards all Rev B because it has a later processor.  The Rev B 
boards have 1.3.0 so it should need the aliases as well.  Looking in the uBoot 
changelogs there are some nice additions and fixes for this board so I will 
look to dig more into uBoot and upgrade it.  I hate to stumble out of the box.

73 Eric

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