On 07/01/2010 11:18 AM, Alexander Graf wrote:

How does dirty bitmap flushing work on x86 atm? I loop through all mapped pages 
and flush the ones that match the range of the region I need to flush. But 
wouldn't it be a lot more efficient to have an hlist in the memslot and loop 
through that when I need to flush that memslot?

x86 loops through the reverse-map link list rooted at the memory slot. The linked list links all sptes for a single hva.

So, it's like you describe, except it's an array of lists instead of a single list. We need per-page rmap lists to be able to remove a page's sptes in response to an mmu notifier callback, and to be able to write protect a guest page if it's used as a page table.

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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