> In my previous reply I said that "it is not so much as a need as it is a 
> potential simplification."  After further reflection, I don't think that 
> is completely true.  As we get into AMP systems with higher core counts, 
> then implementing this functionality using the existing 
> "protected-sources" implementation versus the new "pic-no-reset" work is 
> going to be harder to maintain.

I'm not arguing that your approach isn't more suitable for AMP systems,
I just want to leave the existing protected-sources mechanism alone. I'm
not opposing adding a new, better, mechanism for newer platforms.

However, I'd name it differently. "pic-no-reset" doesn't carry enough
meaning in that case. What we want to point out here is that the PIC
has been pre-initialized.

Another option, which may be cleaner, is to stick to "no-reset" (no need
for pic- prefix) and make it do just that (prevent the reset), and then
use a positive variant of "protected-sources", call it
"allowed-sources". Maybe even make it a series of ranges. Then have the
MPIC only access these.

I think this is more robust as it would also prevent "accidental" use of
the wrong sources (bad device-tree, drivers that let you muck around
with irq numbers, etc...).


> The reason being that *every* OS instance has to know about *every* 
> other OSes interrupt sources, which is a little gross.  You can see this 
> happening already in "arch/powerpc/boot/dts/p2020rdb_camp_core0.dts" and 
> "arch/powerpc/boot/dts/p2020rdb_camp_core1.dts":
>       // p2020rdb_camp_core0.dts
>       mpic: pic@40000 {
>       ...
>               // Sources used by the OS on core 1
>               protected-sources = <
>               42 76 77 78 79 /* serial1 , dma2 */
>               29 30 34 26 /* enet0, pci1 */
>               0xe0 0xe1 0xe2 0xe3 /* msi */
>               0xe4 0xe5 0xe6 0xe7
>               >;
>       };
>       // p2020rdb_camp_core1.dts
>       mpic: pic@40000 {
>       ...
>               // Sources used by the OS on core 0
>               protected-sources = <
>               17 18 43 42 59 47 /*ecm, mem, i2c, serial0, spi,gpio */
>               16 20 21 22 23 28       /* L2, dma1, USB */
>               03 35 36 40 31 32 33    /* mdio, enet1, enet2 */
>               72 45 58 25             /* sdhci, crypto , pci */
>               >;
>       };
> It is going to be a real pain to keep all of the lists up to date. 
> Especially considering we already have sufficient information in the 
> device tree to do this work.  I do understand the concern of 
> finding/testing the older systems.  However, is the testing of those 
> systems enough to keep out the proposed change and potentially lower 
> maintenance in the future?  Is the legacy system argument the only 
> reason to keep this change out or are there other technical deficiencies?
> Also, in the proposed MPIC modifications there is a check for protected 
> sources (it is treated as an alias for "pic-no-reset"; see PATCH 3 in 
> the set) that should provide functionality equivalent to what systems 
> using "protected-sources" already have.  That check only looks for the 
> presence of "protected-sources" and does not process the cells.  Another 
> option would be to leave in the protected sources implementation (but 
> undocumented in the binding) and have the full "pic-no-reset" behavior 
> there as well (and documented in the binding).
> If this has no chance of acceptance (?), then I will just re-submit the 
> binding and implementation with "protected-sources" and the limited form 
> of "pic-no-reset".

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