
We are trying to port  linux 2.6.38 on MPC7410 based board (This is a
preparatory design by our customer)

System architecture is as follows,

MPC7410 <=> MPC107 <=> PCI_to_LOCAL(plx9052) <=> UART

Previously we were using ppc architecture and we had some issues with
page_init() functions; which may be because of our configuration.As we didnt
get much support on ppc architecture we moved to powerpc.

Now we moved to powerpc architecture. We have some doubts on writing the dts
file. Please find the dts file attached.

when we checked the legacy_serial.c file, we found that
legacy_serial_parents not expecting a pci-local or a pci bridge as parent.
is our understanding correct ? should we introduce a new pci parent in that
structure ?

 We are confused about writing the ranges property of PCI node.we were
referring booting_without_of doc but didnt get much info. Is there any file
which gives better idea about the ranges property ?


Attachment: obc7410.dts
Description: Binary data

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