ok, so I've got my BDI2000 working and talking to my 8260.
I read as much info as I could find on this but I still think I'm
missing something.

I have a uBoot image and I wait for the system to download my kernel. 
Not through the BDI, I just let the uBoot boot image do it the normal
way.  I start it by telling the BDI to "go".

Then what I want to do is connect to my linux kernel after the kernel
is up and running so I do:

(gdb) target remote bdi:2001
Remote debugging using bdi:2001
0xc000c9cc in ??()

Then I add my symbol table.

(gdb) add-symbol-file vmlinux 0xc0000000

at that point I get a reset.

I turn off the software watchdog in the BDI config file.  Is there
something I am missing?

Thanks in advance.


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