On 6/28/06, David H. Lynch Jr. <dhlii at dlasys.net> wrote:
>     The bsp I am working on works with but fails with 2.6.17.
>     How can I find the individual patches that make up the transition
> from to 2.6.17 ?

Unfortunately, there isn't a direct line between .16.21 and .17 which
makes it complicated.  Does your bsp work with .16?  If so; you can
use the 'git bisect' command to figure out exactly where the
regression occured.

If it doesn't work on .16; you can do a bisect between .16 and .16.21
to figure out what patch is missing between .16 and .17.

$ git bisect good v2.6.16
$ git bisect bad           # the head of the tree
compile, test, etc.
$ git bisect good|bad    # depends on whether it works or not
compile, test, etc
$ git bisect good|bad    # you get the idea... repeat until it's narrowed down
$ git log                          # see where you are in the git tree.


Grant Likely, B.Sc. P.Eng.
Secret Lab Technologies Ltd.
grant.likely at secretlab.ca
(403) 399-0195

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