Hi there,

  I met some problems when I tried to debug the 2.5.16 kernel with BDI2000
for a customerized MPC8xx.
I listed my two trials, can any one tell me what is wrong with my approachs,

[Try 1] =============================================>

(1) Build the kernel image, the map file -- System.map file


c0000000 T _start

c0000000 T __start

c0000000 T _stext

c0000018 t turn_on_mmu

c0000100 t Reset


(2) Copy the vmlinux into /tftpboot for load the iamge

(3) I mapped the logic address 0xc0000000 into physical address 0x00100000
in target

by loading the file through BDI telnet console, the telnet screen shows

BDI>load 0x40100000 vmlinux elf

Loading vmlinux , please wait ....

- File offset 0x00010000 to address 0x00100000 size 1728646

Loading program file passed

(4) Start the GDB command, and single step from address 0x00100000.

I tried two version of ppc gdb, both have the same result. The location of
one of

the gdb (through DENX) is,

$ which ppc_8xx-gdb


(5) And start the gdb through the following command,

$ ppc_8xx-gdb vmlinux (under kernel top directory)

(gdb) target remote

Remote debugging using

(gdb) si

0x0010000c in ?? ()


0x00100010 in ?? ()


0x00100014 in ?? ()


Things go well till I reach the


0x00100030 in ?? ()


Program received signal SIGSTOP, Stopped (signal).

0x00100030 in ?? ()


Program received signal SIGSTOP, Stopped (signal).

0x00100030 in ?? ()


If I check the code carefully in /arch/ppc/kernel_8xx.S, 0x00100030 address

matches the rfi comamnd in


mfmsr r0

ori r0,r0,MSR_DR|MSR_IR

mtspr SPRN_SRR1,r0

lis r0,start_here at h

ori r0,r0,start_here at l

mtspr SPRN_SRR0,r0


rfi /* enables MMU */

(6) I check the BDI configuration (8xx.cfg) file, seems I had enabled the


CPUCLOCK 32000000 ;the CPU clock rate after processing the init list


BREAKMODE SOFT ;SOFT or HARD, HARD uses PPC hardware breakpoints

;STEPMODE HWBP ;TRACE or HWBP, HWPB uses one or two hardware breakpoints

;STARTUP STOP 5000 ;let the monitor initialize the system

;DCACHE FLUSH ;flush data cache, needs a workspace of 32 bytes

;WORKSPACE 0x00000040 ;workspace in target RAM for data cache flush

MMU XLAT ;translate effective to physical address

;PTBASE 0x00000f0 ;????

;REGLIST SPR ;select register to transfer to GDB

REGLIST ALL ;select register to transfer to GDB

I assume I do not need set PTBASE, since I am working on the very new
version of kernel


Question, seems to me the MMU in BDI does still map the logic address into

address correctly, what did I miss here?

[Try 2 ]  ===================================================>

Exactly follow the BDI user manual,

(1) load image, BDI telnet screen shows

BDI>load 0x40100000 vmlinux elf

Loading vmlinux , please wait ....

- File offset 0x00010000 to address 0x00100000 size 1728646

Loading program file passed

(2) set hardware break point

BDI>bi 0xc0000000 0xc00fffff

Breakpoint identification is 0

(3) issue go comamnd from telnet screen


- TARGET: stopped

(4) Disable hardware break point

BDI> ci

(5) Start gdb from another terminal,

$ ppc_8xx-gdb vmlinux

(6) Attached target,

(gdb) target remote

Remote debugging using

0x00001100 in ?? ()

(7) Set software break point,

(gdb) b start_kernel

(8) let go

(gdb) c


Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.

0x00001100 in ?? ()

Seems to me the MMU still not work with BDI.

Can any one one point out what is the problem?

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