Vince Asbridge wrote:
> We have an 8548 design, which implements a DDR2 on a SODIMM 
> We have an issue with dual rank memory (specific part number Viking 
> VR5DR287218EBSS1), which is a 1G ECC Registered SODIMM part, with two ranks.
> Our platform wires CS0 and CS1 to the SODIMM slot. 
> At uBoot, all is well.  Memory is discovered as ECC 533, 1G DDR2 64Bit 4 beat 
> bursts, and mtest can read and write all 1G of the SODIMM.
> Other DDR2s (identical except for vendor and # of ranks), work perfectly! 
> Anyone got a clue what I could look at to try to figure this out? 
> We've tried enable / disable ECC at uboot 
> We've tried enable / disable Interleaving at uboot 
> uboot always works (and can read/write entire DDR), Linux always hangs on 
> boot! 

U-Boot is too gentle when testing SDRAM. Make sure the caches are enabled
under U-Boot, and put on heavy stress with DMA, pipelined prefetch's, etc.
This is what your CPU is enduring under Linux. 

Your question is definitely a question for the U-Boot mailing list.
BTW, what is the version of U-Boot in use? U-Boot is still missing
the following patch:

MPC85xx BA bits not set for 3-bit bank address DIMM of CS1

The current implementation set the number of bank address bits
(BA) in the processor for CS0 but not for CS1. 

Signed-off-by: Stephane Fillod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- u-boot/cpu/mpc85xx/spd_sdram.c
+++ u-boot/cpu/mpc85xx/spd_sdram.c
@@ -365,6 +365,7 @@
                ddr->cs1_config = ( 1<<31
                                    | (odt_rd_cfg << 20)
                                    | (odt_wr_cfg << 16)
+                                   | (ba_bits << 14)
                                    | (spd.nrow_addr - 12) << 8
                                    | (spd.ncol_addr - 8) );
                debug("DDR: cs1_bnds   = 0x%08x\n", ddr->cs1_bnds);

Otherwise, recompile with -DDEBUG and CFG_CMD_SDRAM, grab the Viking datasheet 
and a scope, and a full cup of coffee/tea much needed during cross-checking :-)

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