On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 06:20:44PM +0100, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:
> FWIW, in a test I did with a single bonded interface and the L2 transport
> ptp4l was able to bind to the slave interface, send and receive
> packets, and synchronize the clock. I didn't have a chance to try it
> with multiple interfaces and other bonding modes. Does anyone know if
> it would work?

I tried the L2 transport with multiple bonded interfaces and it seems
to be working nicely. It looks like bonding doesn't really have any
effect on the raw sockets that ptp4l uses. They can send/receive
packets even when the slave interface is not currently active.

The only potential issue I see is that in bonding configurations where
the MAC addresses of the slave interfaces are set to the same address,
the PTP clocks have the same clock and port identities. If they were
PTP masters, that would be a problem. With the slave-only option (-s)
I think the worst thing that can happen is two slaves sending a delay
request close to each other and accepting a mismatched delay response,
which would add an error to the measured delay. As slaves randomize
sending of their delay requests, this should happen rarely and when it
does happen, the error will not get through the median filter, so I
think this won't really be a problem.

If anyone would like to try it, with the timemaster program the
configuration is simple. Just list the slave interfaces for the PTP
domain and enable the L2 transport, for example

[ptp_domain 0]
interfaces eth0 eth1

network_transport L2

The question is if the same approach could be used with the UDP
transport. The kernel would need to allow sending and receiving
packets on sockets bound to the slave interfaces and I have no idea
what changes that would require.

Miroslav Lichvar

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