On 4/11/2023 3:20 PM, Jakub Raczyński wrote:
> Dear Maciek,
>> +            if (ts - s->last_update >= TOD_UPDATE_INTERVAL) {
>> +                    pmc_agent_update(s->agent);
>> +                    s->last_update = ts;
>> +            } else {
>> +                    sleep(0.01);
>> +            }
> Unless I am missing something, doesn't sleep accept unsigned int only?
> https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/sleep.3.html
> Cannot compile this at the moment, but if this is new version of sleep, for 
> old system libraries probably correct function would be usleep().
> Best regards,
> Jakub Raczyński

Hmmm- you're right - GCC probably changed it to sleep 0 and that's why
it was not complaining - will change to usleep and resubmit


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