On 4/11/2023 7:24 AM, Aris Theocharides via Linuxptp-users wrote:
>> Also try a non RT kernel.
> I’ve tried the non-RT / generic/default kernel, and the behaviour remains 
> unchanged as for the RT kernel.
>> FWIW I have a box with three 1-port i210 PCIe cards that runs fine on
>> vanilla kernel.
> LR actually have a slew of Industrial Ethernet (all multiport) on their 
> website.
> I could only buy these cards in pairs, hence I have two. I could send one 
> over if it will help.
> Aris

Could you provide the output of ethtool -i for the device and the lspci
-v info for the device? I'm curious if I can see what it claims to be...


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