On 11 July 2016 at 11:25, Christian Schoenebeck
<schoeneb...@linuxsampler.org> wrote:
> On Sunday, July 10, 2016 19:19:47 RDP wrote:
>> On 9 July 2016 at 12:49, Christian Schoenebeck

> Even though I am not convinced about phpbb's overall settings design, in this
> particular case there is no issue. It behaves just as expected. The sorting
> criteria in the forum is:
>         1. is topic "sticky"?
>         2. time stamp of last post of topic
> So the sticky topics are displayed always before non-sticky topics, and both
> are then sorted by criteria 2. And when you look at the topics of the forum,
> it really did that.

The definition of what is 'sticky', and whether it should be classed as so,  is
debatable ( and configurable ).  For example how can a topic be considered
sticky, in other words easily accessible and current, when it has last post
date of Sat Mar 22, 2014 9:50 am??

Current/recent topics, really should bubble to the top of a board.  If
this is not
the case then a board just stagnates.. which is what seems to have happened
to the linuxsampler one..



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