On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 10:52 PM, Peter Hutterer
<peter.hutte...@who-t.net> wrote:
> This is a heads-up, a brain storming and ideas collection all at the
> same time.
> xsetwacom is the previously small utility to tweak random driver functions.
> This is what this tool should remain as. I'm happy to add any new driver
> feature but I don't want semantic patches to filter into xsetwacom. It is
> not designed for it and it would screw up the usability by a lot.
> Borderline cases that we already have are MapToOutput which technically
> doesn't affect a driver setting. One step down the slippery slope is
> MapToOutput next which starts cycling through outputs.
> Much further down the line is the magic LED changes that we talked about in
> the other thread - changing the LED at the same time as all button
> assignments.
> This isn't to say that such a tool cannot exist but it won't be xsetwacom
> and it won't be in the xf86-input-wacom repository. This is a driver.
> Jason and I talked about the need for a client-side library at XDC and the
> possible need for another cli tool to change wacom driver settings. I
> certainly agree with the client-side library, we need the ability for
> clients to query e.g. model numbers and features. As for the commandline
> tool - I think the correct integration will be in the desktops, not bolted
> onto various commandline tools. But I'm certainly not going to stop anyone
> from implementing it.
> If you have suggestions for said library, the future of a cli tool, please
> voice them.
> I'm also CC'ing linuxwacom-discuss since this will affect users to some
> degree, not just developers.
> Cheers,
>  Peter

Peter already knows my stance on this, but I might as well make it
public for the purpose of discussion.

I see a client library as being useful for speeding up the new Gnome
control panel's implementation. There's a fair bit of property-setting
code in xsetwacom right now that would be useful for *any* control
panel, and duplicating that code would be a waste of effort. It would
make more sense to move these useful functions into a common library
that could be called upon by xsetwacom, the Gnome GUI, a KDE control
panel, and other tablet configuration clients.

Where I don't quite see eye-to-eye with Peter is in the area of
command-line clients. I agree that the CLI should be considered a
fallback solution for when desktop integration is not possible.
However, I don't see why that means we need to nerf the features
available through xsetwacom. I can imagine a customer coming to us
asking for support on an OS without a GUI CPL, but needing tools more
advanced than the stripped-down xsetwacom offers. We could point them
to an advanced version that we *also* maintain, but then what's the
point of having the stripped-down version in the first place? If its
to keep xf86-input-wacom as focused as possible, why not just split
xsetwacom off into its own repository? You don't *need* anything more
than the xinput utility to configure xf86-input-wacom, and if you
*want* to configure more without a GUI, why not make the full-strength
version available?


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