The SVG has been squared a bit and aligned properly.
g-s-d still needs fixes to rely on the actual anchors of the SVG,
but this will come later.

Signed-off-by: Benjamin Tissoires <>
changes in v2:
- fixed to make "make check" happy

 data/layouts/ek-remote.svg | 709 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 394 insertions(+), 315 deletions(-)

diff --git a/data/layouts/ek-remote.svg b/data/layouts/ek-remote.svg
index 9b6529a..911771e 100644
--- a/data/layouts/ek-remote.svg
+++ b/data/layouts/ek-remote.svg
@@ -30,401 +30,480 @@
      id="title">Wacom ExpressKey Remote</title>
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21.473726,21.473726 0 0 1 1.67969,-1.683594 l -3.13867,-3.511718 
-2.11133,-0.04492 z"
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1.18164,0.05859 l 0.25977,-4.660156 -1.46094,-1.523437 z"
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21.473726,21.473726 0 0 1 112.52539,60 21.473726,21.473726 0 0 1 
117.82812,45.894531 l -3.61914,-3.189453 -0.0312,-2.125 -2.13867,-2.109375 z"
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3.1543,-3.591797 2.125,-0.03516 2.13867,-2.169922 a 30.783125,30.783125 0 0 0 
-21.36914,-8.896484 z"
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0 0 1 149.46094,74.869141 l 6.73047,6.414062 A 30.783125,30.783125 0 0 0 
164.7832,60 30.783125,30.783125 0 0 0 155.95312,38.431641 Z"
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134,90.783203 30.783125,30.783125 0 0 0 155.13477,82.355469 l 
-6.41016,-6.742188 A 21.473726,21.473726 0 0 1 134,81.474609 
21.473726,21.473726 0 0 1 119.26758,75.587891 Z"
+       class="F Button"
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+       d="M 133.98874,86.270369 99.875,78.104854 l -19.803078,0"
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-       stroke="grey"
-       />
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+        />
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-       y="76"
-       style="text-anchor:start">F</text>
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-       id="Ring"
-       class="Ring TouchRing"
-       cx="134"
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-       r="19.5" />
+     id="GroupQ">
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-       class="RingCCW Ring Leader"
-       stroke="grey"
-       d="m 134,44 0,-2 67,0" />
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-13,-16 l 0,-14"
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+       id="ButtonQ"
+        />
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-       class="RingCCW Ring Label"
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-       style="text-anchor:start">CCW</text>
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-       d="m 131,45 3,-1.5 0,1 a 7.5,7.5 0 0 1 5,1.5 6.5,6.5 0 0 0 -5,-0.5 l 
0,1 z" />
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11,-16 l 0,-14"
+       class="R Button"
+       id="ButtonR"
+        />
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-       stroke="grey"
-       d="m 134,74 0,2 67,0" />
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+       d="M 148,174.65771 148,197"
+       style="stroke:#808080"
+        />
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-       class="RingCW Ring Label"
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-       style="text-anchor:start">CW</text>
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+       class="R Label"
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+       style="text-anchor:start">R</text>
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+     id="GroupC">
-       id="RingCW"
-       class="RingCW Button"
-       d="m 131,73 3,-1.5 0,1 a 7.5,7.5 0 0 0 5,-1 6.5,6.5 0 0 1 -5,2 l 0,1 z" 
+       d="m 133.69336,29.228516 a 30.783125,30.783125 0 0 0 -21.35156,8.916015 
l 2.12109,2.152344 2.125,0.03516 3.18164,3.623047 a 21.473726,21.473726 0 0 1 
12.83399,-5.378906 l -0.30274,-4.746094 1.42188,-1.46875 -0.0293,-3.132812 z"
+       class="C Button"
+       id="ButtonC"
+        />
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+       class="C Label"
+       x="74"
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+       d="m 123.98322,35 0,-10 -5,-5 -38.896875,0"
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-     id="g3699">
+     id="GroupG">
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+        />
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-       d="m 110,96 -27,0 " />
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-       class="G Button"
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-       L 105,104
-       L 105,78"
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+     id="GroupI">
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-       d="m 137,103 50,50 5,0"
-       />
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-       id="LabelH"
-       class="H Label"
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-       id="ButtonH"
-       class="H Button"
-       d="m 123,101 A 10,10 0 0 1 143,101 L 143,111 L 123, 111   L 123, 101"
-       />
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+       id="ButtonI"
+        />
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-       d="m 156,93 48,0 "
-       />
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-       class="I Button"
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+     id="GroupJ">
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+        />
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-       d="m 110,122 -27,0 " />
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-       id="ButtonJ"
-       class="J Button"
-       d="m 105,106  L 120,106  L 120,126 L 105,126 L 105,106"
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+     id="GroupL">
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-       d="m 137,116 50,50 5,0"
-       />
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-       id="LabelK"
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-       id="ButtonK"
-       class="K Button"
-       d="m 123, 113 L 143,113 L 143, 126   L 123, 126 L 123, 113"
-       />
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+        />
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-       d="m 157,112 50,0"
-       />
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-     id="g3700">
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+        />
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-       d="m 110,142 -27,0 " />
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-       id="ButtonM"
-       class="M Button"
-       d="m 105,128  L 120,128  L 120,148 L 105,148 L 105,128"
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+  <g
+     id="GroupO">
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-       d="m 130,135  -40,30 -5,0"
-       />
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-       id="LabelN"
-       class="N Label"
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-       style="text-anchor:start">N</text>
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-       id="ButtonN"
-       class="N Button"
-       d="m 123, 128 L 143,128 L 143, 142 L 123, 142 L 123, 128"
-       />
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+       id="ButtonO"
+        />
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-       d="m 152,140  40,56"
-       />
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-     id="g3701">
+     id="GroupH">
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-       class="Q Leader"
-       stroke="grey"
-       d="m 117,175 0,20 "
-       />
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-       id="LabelQ"
-       class="Q Label"
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-       style="text-anchor:start">Q</text>
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-       L 132,180
-       L 118, 180 A 15,15 0 0 1 105,164
-       L 105,150"
-       />
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+        />
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-       d="m 130,155  -60,40"
-       />
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+     id="GroupK">
-       id="LeaderR"
-       class="R Leader"
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-       />
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-        L 134,180
-       L 150, 180 A 15,15 0 0 0 161,164
-       L 161,150"
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+       class="K Label"
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+       style="text-anchor:end">N</text>
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-       class="A ModeSwitch Button"
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-       cy="59"
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+  <g
+     id="GroupP">
-       id="LeaderA"
-       class="A ModeSwitch Leader"
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-       d="m 134,59 -30,-18 -24,0" />
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-       class="Ring TouchRing"
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-       class="C Label"
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-5,-0.5 l 0,1 z"
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-       id="LabelE"
-       class="E Label"
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+       d="m 131,73.06291 3,-1.5 0,1 a 7.5,7.5 0 0 0 5,-1 6.5,6.5 0 0 1 -5,2 l 
0,1 z"
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-7.91517,-6.171319 z"
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-     d="m 134.02961,38.991736 -0.27117,-10.733474 2.98286,0 -0.54234,10.733474 
-     id="LED1" />
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-     d="m 148,43.249999 7.25,-6.75 1.75,2.5 -7.5,5.75 z"
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