So one of the things that has come up during the epic4 vote is how
spaces are handled inconsistently throughout epic.  I had originally
intended to address this in epic5, but it looks like this is a real
problem for /xdebug extractw users.

In the C locale, characters 9 (^I), 10 (^J), 11 (^K), 12 (^L), 13 (^M), 
and 32 (space) are considered "spaces".  That means isspace(x) returns 1
for any x = one of those characters, and 0 for everything else.  

EPIC has three ways to determine "spaces"

1) Use the system's isspace(), which could be locale dependant.
2) Use epic's my_isspace() which behaves exactly the same as isspace()
   does in the C locale.
3) Just compare the character against character 32 (space).

It would be best if we just had one way, because that would be less 
confusing.  But this is a problem because in some places in epic, a
tab is a space, and in other places, it isn't.  So if I just switch
everything to use isspace(), then some scripts might break in ways
that I can't anticipate.

I have two questions:

*) Are any of you using tabs, newlines, carriage returns, etc, in any
   way that depends on them not being a "space" character in some context?
   If you are, you need to be a participant in this discussion!

*) Are any of you using a non-C locale?  (If you don't know, then you are
   not)  Does your locale have a different set of space characters?

Feedback for these two questions is greatly appreciated and may reduce
near term pain and suffering. 

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