
  William is exactly accurate in his comment regarding Kent Crispin and
Amadeu.  They are both long term and continued supporters of the
"Capture" attempt of the DNS system by CORE and the gTLD-MoU.
With Kent Crisping being PAB chair.  Their one sided agenda
is well documented and when the gTLD-MoU was still a viable
entitity it generated the need to the NTIA's Green Paper and than
later the White Paper.

William X. Walsh wrote:

> On 23-Jan-99 Javier SOLA wrote:
> > Amadeu and Kent are among the most hard working and open people in this
> > discussion. Neither of them has any personal interests to defend. They are
> > not ccTLDs, have no trademark interests, neither of them is trying to be a
> > registry...They do voluntary work for the Internet, and understand what
> > they are talking about, they know what is realistic and what is plain
> > utopist and useless. They are most highly respected by the community, even
> > by those who have views very far from theirs.
> This is not true.  Kent is the leader of PAB, one of the main gTLD-MoU
> organization, and Amadeu I believe works for a CORE registry.
> They are far from unbiased volunteers, and have a serious axe to grind.
> Kent supports trademark interests because he believes he can use their
> influence to help push through his very one sided agenda.
> > I advice those who only have insults as arguments to stop using them on
> > this list, otherwise, I would advice everybody else to put them in their
> > kill file. You have nothing to win by reading their mails.
> These are not insults, there are facts.  Perhaps you should check out the
> backgrounds of the people you are supporting here, and that you think are
> representing your interests.
> ----------------------------------
> E-Mail: William X. Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 23-Jan-99
> Time: 14:26:44
> ----------------------------------


Jeffrey A. Williams
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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