
I am writing to ask you a two brief but important questions:

1) Will there be some official notice letting those of us who submitted
proposals (and the public) as to which proposals did make it in by the
deadline and are thus under consideration?

2) As there are at LEAST two proposals on the table ( and the
Paris Draft), How does ICANN plan to proceed from here?

Clearly its only Monday morning here on the East Coast of the United States
and there hasn't been a business working day since the drafts went out, but
it would be nice to know where things stand as early this week as possible.

AIP will be sending two members of our DNSO team (Chair Mitch Ahern and
leader of our drafting team Bret Fausett) to Singapore, while I stay back to
hold down the fort in the U.S.

I hope to continue working with you and ICANN on this process moving

I look forward to your reply.

Andrew Kraft
Andrew Q. Kraft, MAIP
Executive Director, Association of Internet Professionals (AIP)
Phone:      310-724-6589
More Info:

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