This is nothing but a blantent misrepresentation of the facts.

I know for a fact that Antony did not just post up all the IATLD supporters
without contacting them and getting theie explicit support.

You will note that not ALL the ccTLDs who are listed as IATLD or RFC1591
supporters are listed as Paris Draft supporters. 

Anyone who looks at this will clearly see that the accusations made below are
nothing but misrepresentations of facts, bordering on slanderous lies.

On 06-Feb-99 John Charles Broomfield wrote:
>  Hi Everyone,
>  Ok, I've said this privately a few times and now I've had enough. I haven't
>  read (yet) either the Paris draft or the BMW draft. However there is one
>  thing that seems screwed about the process involved in the Paris draft
>  (note: something screwed about the PROCESS).
>  I've just been to to see who endorses it, and I
>  find under the list of endorsing registries "Guadeloupe" (strange that
>  Martinique isn't there seeing that they are both managed by the same
>  non-profit organisation...).
>  Why is Guadeloupe there? I presume it stems because the admin contact for
>  Guadeloupe a while back replied to a message with the words "I support
>  RFC-1591".
>  I actually doubt that the IATLD is more than a front for a bunch (5?) of
>  unscrupulous people. I question very strongly (until I see evidence of it)
>  their so called involvement and support from all those ccTLDs (73 of them
>  according to them).
>  Patrick Raimond (the admin contact for ".gp") speaks reasonably good
>  English. I saw the message he had received and it was asking for support of
>  RFC-1591 in the ICANN bylaws (or something along those lines, in any case it
>  wasn't clear). He said that he had understood the question to be if he
>  supported RFC-1591. Obviously he DOES support RFC-1591, as I expect just
>  about everyone else who runs any registry. In any case, it was not at all
>  clear that it was an endorsement on behalf of the GP & MQ NIC. In other
>  words, it was a personal question.
>  I would imagine that the fluency in English of many contacts for other
>  registries is less than that of Patrick, so it would seem that the so called
>  support is actually quite fraudulent. IATLD is a fake.
>  I request: get GP off your lists and your webpage. (I have no idea whether
>  we will support the Paris draft or not, but that support is premature to see
>  the least).

As the Technical Contact, you are not the Administrator of these domains, and
you have no authority to make such a request.  You do not speak on behalf of
the administrator, he has clearly spoken for himself, quite ably.

E-Mail: William X. Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 08-Feb-99
Time: 10:58:49
"We may well be on our way to a society overrun by hordes
of lawyers, hungry as locusts." 
- Chief Justice Warren Burger, US Supreme Court, 1977

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