The amount can be round off to the nearest 0. The number you ise for the actual 
encryption is large but does not directly correlate to the size of the idle 

The initial handshake is far more involved. If you enable keepalive you will 
always have a steady stream. On my work ipsec cluster with 350 nodes that ping 
to keep alive it is a few hundred kbit consistenly.

I once calculated that a average site did 500 mb a month just on keep alive 


typed on a tiny touchscreen, why exactly?

Bruce B <>schreef:

>Hi everyone,
>I am looking to connect all my pfsense boxes to one single box for better
>administration and ease of access. I am looking to have every client pfsense
>do an openvpn tunnel into my main pfSense box. I am using all Alix hardware.
>However, the client pfsense boxes are sometimes not very good with bandwidth
>and I don't want to spend the client bandwidth on OpenVPN specially when
>it's idel.
>I understand that even in idle mode there is traffic in between to keep the
>connection solid. Can someone tell exactly how much bandwidth is wasted or
>consumed if I keep a 24/7 connection?
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