On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 6:55 AM, Hiren Joshi <j...@moonfruit.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running 1.2.3-RELEASE and have a CARPd pair in a master and slave 
> failover setup.
> They are usually very stable but 2 days ago I noticed carp kicked in and the 
> service flipped over (it failed back automatically within a few minutes). 
> Then last night I noticed it happening more frequently before the master 
> showed a fatal trap, screenshot here:
> http://hirenjoshi.moonfruit.com/communities/0/004/006/261/100/images/4555806318.jpg
> What can I now do to figure out what happened and how can I prevent it from 
> happening again?

If it's repeatable, you'll need to get a back trace to have an idea of
the cause. On 1.2.3, that means you'll have to install the dev kernel
and reboot first.

Then if it happens again, you'll be at a db> prompt. Type bt there and
hit enter, take a picture, send a link.
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