On 6/13/2012 1:09 PM, Jim Pingle wrote:
On 6/13/2012 10:36 AM, Adam Piasecki wrote:
60308 root        1  44    0   831M   826M bpf     0  21.7H  0.00% tcpdump

Looks like pfense launched this for pflog0. I have plenty of RAM still
but it seems like 831M is a lot for just a log. Can you limit this?

I have a CARP setup, with about 1000 users about 200mb/s peak bandwidth.
None of my other sites are doing this, but this is the only one i have
with CARP.

Attached is a RRDGraph of the memory graph.
What version of pfSense is that on?

I don't recall seeing pflog's tcpdump process each that much RAM since
the 1.2 days.

I can't find any 2.x boxes that I can login to handily that have more
than ~10M in memory used by that process.


This is 2.0.1, Everything is working fine, Just had some users call in and said they were having slow speeds during peak times, i don't think this is causing that, just noticed it when looking through everything. The peaks in the graph are when i rebooted the box. Just scared it might eventually run out if I let it go long enough.


Adam M Piasecki
Office: 410-727-8250 x 123
Cell: 940-224-4837
Fax: 410-727-8245

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