On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Vick Khera <vi...@khera.org> wrote:
> I have a pair of firewalls set up with pfsync. pfSense 2.0.1/i386.
> I'm pushing a lot of connections and traffic, so had to bump the
> number of states in the Advanced -> Firewall/NAT tab.  This increased
> number did not show up on the backup firewall.  Ditto for unchecking
> the "disable nat reflection rules", and the optimization option
> (normal, aggressive, etc.).

System>Advanced does not sync.

> I have configured everything to sync except the three traffic shaper
> options and the captive portal, which I don't use.
> Most things do sync correctly, so I know it is not a communications or
> password issue.
> Also, my understanding is that it is supposed to sync the actual state
> table.  Wouldn't that then show up on the backup as a similar number
> of state entries on the dashboard?  I don't see anywhere close to the
> same number of states on the backup.  I did a test of turning off the
> main firewall and all my connections (ssh) were lost, so it seems to
> me that this is not functioning.

You have to enable "synchronize states" on the secondary too or it
won't accept them. Firewall>VIPs, CARP settings tab.
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