On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 9:54 AM, Jim Pingle <li...@pingle.org> wrote:

> Also see the "How To Test" tab and other data here:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AojFUXcbH0ROdE15eHB4dndHTXZYcU1mQm9Dc3V2elE&usp=sharing
> The sheet could really use some more data, so anyone who has an AES-NI
> capable system, feel free to run through the tests and help fill out the
> sheet. :-)

I'm running that now. Which numbers do I pull from the results? those on
the bottom line of the openssl speed output? Also, does it matter which CPU
I have? That seems like it should be a column :)
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