

I implemented all the recommendations: 1st upgraded to pfSense 2.1; 2nd
activated the “DMZ” feature on the ISP router, exposing the pfSense WAN
interface (which has a LAN IP address on the ISP router and is now in the
“DMZ” of the router) to the internet, but the problem persists. The tunnel
(phase 1) is established between a private IP address (WAN interface of
pfSense) and a public IP address (the IP assigned to the Android 3G device).


Any ideas?


Thanks again!





From: list-boun...@lists.pfsense.org [mailto:list-boun...@lists.pfsense.org]
On Behalf Of Jim Spaloss
Sent: 5 de janeiro de 2014 18:55
To: pfSense support and discussion
Subject: Re: [pfSense] IPSec problem with mobile IOS and Android



You may want to try enabling the "DMZ" option (if it's available) on the
ISP's router and directing all traffic to the wan address of the PFSense
I've run into the same issue with Comcast business class routers. They're
very light on features and I've seen some firmware versions that attempt to
implement basic VPN functionality which seems to override NAT settings. The
DMZ option seems to work better. 
Of course, getting a static IP would make your life easier, assuming that it
is available...

On Jan 5, 2014 1:08 PM, "Carlos Vicente" <cjpvice...@gmail.com> wrote:

Jim, thanks for your rapid answer.


The ISP router is a basic one for a cable link. You are right, I’m
attempting to terminate IPSEC on the pfSense box so I configured the ISP
router with the following available options:

-          “Services -> Firewall - > Port Forwarding  -> Local Host: my
pfSense WAN IP -> Protocol Name: IPSec - Internet Protocol Security (Ports
UDP 500, ESP, AH) predefined as a service -> Forward to Port: same as
incoming port“.


>From the doc you referred to (the one I followed), I had to make a change in
the Phase 1 option “NAT Traversal” to “Disabled”, only then I could
establish the Phase 1 Tunnel from the Android tablet (using  3G connection)
with a direct public IP endpoint. I can´t establish any connection if the
same mobile device is using a Wi-Fi/wireless connection (even changing the
“NAT Traversal” to “Force”).


I hope this additional info can clarify you of my scenario, so that you can
suggest me a solution. I can post here some logs if you want.


Thank you for your help.




From: list-boun...@lists.pfsense.org [mailto:list-boun...@lists.pfsense.org]
On Behalf Of Jim Thompson
Sent: 5 de janeiro de 2014 02:25
To: pfSense support and discussion
Subject: Re: [pfSense] IPSec problem with mobile IOS and Android


you lost me at “port forwarding”.


Making NAT work for IPSEC (passthrough) can be … quite challenging.



Hopefully you’re attempting to terminate IPSEC on the pfSense box, and the
ISP router is configured to:

·         IP Protocol ID 50:  For both inbound and outbound filters. Should
be set to allow Encapsulating Security Protocol (ESP) traffic to be

·         IP Protocol ID 51:  For both inbound and outbound filters. Should
be set to allow Authentication Header (AH) traffic to be forwarded.

·         UDP Port 500:  For both inbound and outbound filters. Should be
set to allow ISAKMP traffic to be forwarded.


Note that ‘forwarding’ here is packet forwarding, not port forwarding.   If
so, I’ve simply misunderstood you.  If not, you’re not going to make it work
without a >TON< of work on NAT-traversal.


You say you looked at: https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Mobile_IPsec_on_2.0
(I think).   Commercial support is available if you need it.




On Jan 4, 2014, at 5:03 PM, Carlos Vicente <cjpvice...@gmail.com> wrote:


Hi all,


I have a problem with an IPSec VPN from mobile clients (IOS and Android). I
can establish the tunnel but can’t ping, RDP or SSH the pfSense or any
client behind it (which is working with OpenVPN). I see the “passed” logs on
the firewall tab but can’t access the systems.


My pfSense WAN is on the same subnet as the LAN of the ISP router, which has
port forwarding of ESP, AH and IKE to the pfSense WAN network adapter. All
the rules are correct and I they appear correctly on logs.


My PfSense version is 2.0.3 upgraded from 1.2.3. I have tried all kind of
configs from the doc “
<https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Mobile_IPsec_on_2.0> Mobile IPsec on
2.0”, but, as I said, can establish the connection but can´t access any
device on LAN subnet.


I use this excellent appliance for many years, so I must have IPSec VPN
working on mobile clients the same way I have them working with OpenVPN.


I’m stuck here, so any help would be very appreciated.




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