On 2014-Feb-19, at 6:17 AM, Jim Pingle <li...@pingle.org> wrote:

> Try pfSense 2.1.1. There were some issues with link cycling in certain cases 
> that you might be hitting which were fixed on 2.1.1.
> https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,71546.0.html
> Jim
>  On 2/19/2014 2:07 AM, Bryan D. wrote:
>> ...
>> The problem is that whenever the WAN interface link on the pfSense box goes 
>> down, pfSense goes into some sort of loop/run-away condition and requires a 
>> reboot...
>> The issue is detailed at:
>> http://www.derman.com/pfSense-Run-Away-Issue
>> ...

Thanks, Jim.  It looks like this is an still-present issue with hme NICs that 
are used for a monitored interface.  I've updated the above web page with what 
I think I learned and filed a bug report:

If anyone else is still using an "ol' tank" 4-port hme cards (1990's Sun 
Microsystems 100 Mbit NIC) and has any of their ports assigned to a monitored 
interface, it'd be interesting to hear whether they are experiencing the same 
issue (v2.1-Release or newer).

To test, simply unplug the hme interface's ethernet cable, wait 10 seconds, 
then plug it back in and monitor pfSense's processor activity.  For my tested 
configs, if it's not settled down to something less than 100% CPU activity 
within about a minute, it's in run-away -- but be forewarned, if it goes into 
run-away, AFAIK you'll need to reboot.

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