Am 19.03.2014 22:35, schrieb Chris Buechler:
> Oh you're one of those people that's hammering us with wget requests
> to ip.php. :p Was curious why people would be hitting it like that.
> There are a few hundred IPs that query it once a minute or so.

Um, nope. Requests get sent out once a day, when the machines reboot.
Most of them around 1:00-1:15am CE(S)T. (and with a random delay, so
they don't do it at the same time) Aside from that, it only triggers
upon a manual reboot.

Right now we're talking 3 or 4 machines, once the update propagates
(during the next few weeks, I hope), it should be around 40.

Of course, if your system can't take that load, let me know and we'll
switch to the dyndns checkip url or something else.

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