On 4/20/2014 7:02 PM, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:
> On Mon 21 Apr 2014 09:54:49 NZST +1200, Jim Pingle wrote:
>> http://files.pfsense.org/jimp/patches/openvpn-tapbridgefix-2.1.x.diff
> This has no effect on the hme problem unfortunately.
> I rebooted and re-tested, but unplugging the cable to the wifi AP from
> the pfsense box and re-plugging it still gives a run-away system. Some
> logs below.

Some other setting appears to be causing the link on the NIC to bounce
up and down when configured. In the past we have seen that happen
because of a few things, such as spoofing a MAC address resetting the
NIC or bugs in the code causing the interface to be reset due to an
error. Those should have all been fixed/worked around, especially with
that last patch applied.

The Spoofed MAC address issue was a problem in the past with certain
drivers that sounds very similar because it got into a chicken-and-egg
scenario that went a little something like this:

* pfSense sets the MAC address
* The NIC driver resets its own link on the MAC change
* The link down/up triggered pfSense to reconfigure the NIC
* pfSense sets the MAC address again while reconfiguring the NIC
* The NIC driver resets its own link on the MAC change
* The link down/up triggered pfSense to reconfigure the NIC
* [lather, rinse, repeat]

We added some extra checks before resetting the MAC to prevent that sort
of thing from being a problem though, but it's possible that the HME NIC
is resetting its link when some _other_ setting is being applied. If you
have any special configuration on the NIC (spoofed MAC, custom MTU,
specific link speed, etc) it would help to know.

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