Hi mayak

> Many roads lead to ... gut says SSD - I'd try running off CD first.
Seems apu1.4c (guess that's what you meant) has a SATA port, now you
only need to get find way for powering a desktop CD/DVD drive (i.e.
spare ATX power supply)

> On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 10:15 PM, mayak <ma...@australsat.com> wrote:
>> hi all,
>> i have a new apu.4c with a Kingston SSD
>> unit will run sometimes for days, or sometimes for several hours, before
>> becoming unresponsive:
>> - no mac response from ethernet cards
>> - serial console dies -- no errors displayed
Have you actually left serial console attached and kept logging
the output? I did that once with a whacky but important network switch
since syslog didn't give enough info. (i.e. tools like PuTTY can log
output to a text file)

>> - no errors in system log
>> - no crash report on reboot
Another idea would be to set up remote syslog logging so you can
possibly store more data off the device than is staying within the
circular logging on the box.
>> what is the best approach to finding out what is happening?
Ideally if someone knows how to set up serial crash console, but I'm not
enough knowledgable in this area :-\

-- Mathieu

P.S. I don't know if that makes any difference but it seems PC Engines
is still labeling APU's BIOS as beta so you might want to check out
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