Hello all,

I have a user that is coming in from 216.14.x.x and is getting stopped at the 
firewall by the bogonimator.  I tried looking for an accurate list of the IPs 
still on the list but all the lists I found does not have this number listed.  
I changed the bogon update from weekly to daily in hopes that maybe there was 
stale cache that might get updated and resolve the issue if it was in the 
window.  Where does pfsense obtain this list and is this IP on the list or 
could it be something else?  Turning off boron allowed him to log in.  
Re-enabling bogon created a block entry in the log and denied him entry.

The ISP is called Current, and the provide residential internet through the 
power lines.  The end user did have a power outage 8 days ago but has worked 
without issue prior.  I cannot say what his public IP was at that time but it 
does appear that there is a double-nat before he hits the public internet.  I 
skyped into his computer and looked at the WAN address of his router and saw a 
10.30.x.x address instead of the public number listed above.  I assume that is 
irrelevant to this conversation.

Your thoughts are appreciated.


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